Breakfast at the Bus Stop
The Breakfast at the Bus Stop events aim to both draw awareness to issues surrounding truancy and absenteeism as well remind students just how important school attendance is to their academic future.
With some tasty breakfast treats and a little help from our friends at the Oxford Police Department, the Breakfast at the Bus Stop events allow us an opportunity to be caring proponents of attendance at school bus stops throughout the LOU community by greeting and treating students with an early morning snack before they depart on their morning bus ride. The events are held throughout the community, including Oxford Housing Authority sites such as Wayne Johnson, C.B. Webb, and Brittany Woods.
Be sure to check our events page to see when our next Breakfast at the Bus Stop event will be taking place!

It is L.O.U. Reads' goal to increase the percentage of children in grades pre-kindergarten through third grade who are missing fewer than 10 days of school annually, with a focus on disadvantaged youth. Our strategy for reaching this goal centers on establishing effective practices for combating truancy; building community awareness of the importance of daily school attendance; and encouraging students to want to come in to school every day.
Current efforts include: creating an incentive program for chronically absent students, including a reward system for students reaching their attendance goals; developing parent communication resources and making home visits to parents/guardians of chronically absent students; partnering with the Oxford Housing Authority for Breakfast at the Bus Stop; hosting back to school nights for families; utilizing social media and traditional media channels to inform parents about school attendance.
For more information or to support these efforts as a coalition partner or individual volunteer, contact Allison Crain, School Attendance Officer at the Mississippi Department of Education, by clicking here.